Sunday, December 18, 2011

visual dev for games

thumbnails and sketches

characters (knight/robot)

environment shots and final(engine room)

victorian vampire version of The Legend of Bagger Vance

hero (human)

sidekick of hero - Bagger Vance  (vampire)

villain - opponent (undead)

hero's girl (vampire)

turn around n action poses

thumb and sketch of 1st composition(ruin castle)

value and color comps, and finish

quick 2nd composition(inside castle, ballroom)


 rocky land

some old stuff

environment shots concepts - holy forest


God of Demon - dw5 final sheet

God of Demon - dw5 modeling sheet

cyborg, Valkyriel - dw4 concept sheet

cyborg, Valkyriel - dw4 modeling sheet

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Start point

the sigularity that changed my life.. made me change major, and here in US...  

Entry for wacom illustration contest 2008, and how i got my intous3 as awards.. thanks for them actually mailed from such distance..  and lucky for me that's just the 2nd year of the contest.. now i can see there's a lot more to improve in it~ no matter good or bad, it worth to be recorded as a checkpoint..  Great thanks for Feng Zhu, which encouraged me a lot!

作者 superdbdb
朱峰(Feng Zhu)点评
A very powerful image. The idea is not the more original, but it's strong enough and rendered in a very epic scale. I love images which tell a story and strikes an emotion within the viewer. This piece certainly captures that feeling very well. The many layers of clouds creates an endless horizon. I also like the red light on the right side of the image. It's placed just beyond the golden sunlight, which contrasts well with a sense of danger.(很有力的画面。虽然创意不是特别新颖,但是表达够强烈,并且表现出史诗般的文艺作品级别。我喜欢带有故事的作品并且可以打动观众情绪的。这种感觉捕捉的非常好。许多层的云彩创造了无休止的视野。我也喜欢画面右边的红光。这是位于黄金阳光以外的,对比表达出危机感)"